Protect and preserve your refurbishment project
Newton Systems provide bespoke solutions for every single project. Our approach takes into account a multitude of factors: the very foundation of the structure, the surrounding environment, potential risks, government regulations, and the ultimate purpose of the space. We're not just there at the beginning; we're with you every step of the way. From the initial design to installation and beyond that! So, gear up for a remarkable experience with Newton Systems – your ultimate renovation waterproofing partners.
Qualified Waterproof Designer
Involving a Newton Waterproofing Designer in the project as early as possible allows us to understand the project's scope, site conditions, and specific challenges. Early integration enables seamless incorporation of waterproofing elements into the architectural design, preventing the need for retrofitting or costly adjustments later.
Technical Design and Support
Our dedicated Design Team offers a customised design service tailored to each project's unique requirements, alongside an extensive range of standard details.
Newton Specialised Basement Contractor Network
Our network of Newton trained, accredited and approved installers provide the seamless flow from design to installation. Our members have been specially chosen, trained, supervised and tested to be able to install our systems. We work side by side with them throughout the duration of the project.