Waterproofing a 5 Star Hotel -Christchurch Arts Centre
Christchurch Arts Centre
Newton Systems are proud to contribute to the transformation of the unique, and iconic Christchurch Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora, as it underwent a major refurbishment. This Heritage listed and protected property needed a complete revamp of the lower ground floor level to create a 5-star boutique hotel in the centre of our Garden City.
Waterproofing was required as the 2011 Earthquake had caused movement and water to ingress.
Constructed in the 18th Century in the Gothic Revival architectural style by the renowned New Zealand architect Benjamin Woolfield, these buildings were originally used as Christchurch University - famous for being the place where Lord Ernest Rutherford, the father of nuclear physics, studied. Today, this world-renowned tourist destination is a hub for arts, culture, and creativity in Christchurch.
The lower ground floor underwent refurbishment to transform it into a modern and beautiful hotel, welcoming tourists to this popular destination. Our Lead Designer and Founder, Stuart Tansey (WDS CSSW), took on the responsibility of designing the waterproofing system and collaborated with the architects early during the design phase. Stuart’s goal was to create a lasting waterproof design that does not add any pressure to the foundations of this building and is compliant to the needs of Heritage and the Architects requirements.
The main contractor, Leigh Construction, selected Newton Specialist Contractor Waterproofing Solutions to execute the design and handle the installation.
When waterproofing historic and heritage buildings such as these, the Newton CDM System 500 provides the ideal solution as it is maintainable, requires minimal fixings and therefore avoids damaging the structure, and crucially is deemed as reversible should the structure need to be returned to its original condition in future.
The Newton System also requires no “dig out” to the external side of the structure as water ingress is depressurized and managed internally.
Further to this, the traditional tanking method is also not an acceptable solution for this project. Tanking can place further impact on the historic structure by holding water in the structure and increasing the external hydrostatic pressure which pushes against the foundations.
The Newton System also allows for movement and creates a space for airflow, bringing further protection to water and vapour and prolonging the life of the structure.
Waterproofing Solutions installed waterproofing to the Heritage building in Christchurch, ensuring that the client was able to optimise their available, existing space to create the new bespoke boutique hotel. This large multi roomed project was waterproofed in 6 days. As no chemical drying times were required, the main contractors remained on site and able to progress further areas of works at the same time.
Newtons is incredibly proud to be involved in revitalising this piece of NZ history.
“Newton Waterproofing are privileged to be part of this refurbishment. The Newton System should be the first choice for waterproofing below ground in Heritage buildings in New Zealand. ”
INSTALLER: Waterproofing Solutions
CALL: Dave Edwards - 021 331 971
EMAIL: dave@waterproofsolutions.co.nz